How to start learning spanish if you are a beginner?
The best way to start learning a language is, in my opinion, from the alphabet, and therefore from the pronunciation. Of course, Spanish is not the exception.
In this post you will find el alfabeto español (o abecedario español) dictated with Argentinian accent from Buenos Aires, in English and with examples in both languages.
The alphabet: the place to begin with Spanish
It has 27 letters, 22 consonants and 5 vowels. In general terms, it would be easy for you if you are an English speaker, as the letters sounds just as they are, and there are just a few combinations to learn.
Digraphs, the other key to catch spanish
There are five crucial conjunctions of letters in Spanish: ch, gu, ll, qu and rr. They got a strong power when it comes to speak and it’s fundamental to catch.
What is that mark on top of some letters in the Spanish alphabet?
That little mark is called “tilde” and is just an accent mark. It indicates you where you have to put the stress on the words.
For example, the word canción (song) should have the stress on the last syllable, not in the first one.
Also, pay special attention at the vowels so that you get familiarized with the pronunciation, as is not that close with English and may result confusing.
The Spanish alphabet (press play and listen to it as you scroll down 😉 )
· A (a): Arroz (rice)
Ananá (pineapple)
· B (be, be larga): Bebidas (drinks)
Blanco (white)
· C (ce): Calor (heat)
Celeste (light blue)
Cine (cinema)
Comprar (purchase)
Cubrir (to cover)
CHA Cancha (field)
CHE Chequear (to check)
CHI Chicos/as (kids)
CHO Chocolate
CHU Chupar (to suck)
· D (de): Dibujar (to draw)
· E (e): Estrella (star)
· F (efe): Fortuna (fortune)
· G (ge): Galaxia (galaxy)
Gemas (gems)
Girar (to turn around)
Gorro (hat)
Guarida (den)
GUE guerra (war)
GÜE vergüenza (shame), Agüero
GUI aguijón (sting)
· H (hache): Hormiga (ant)
· I (i latina): Ideales (ideals), Isla (Island)
· J (jota): Juguete (toy)
· K (ka): Karina, Kiwi, Koala
· L (ele): Lámpara (lamp)
Lluvia (rain)
· M (eme): Manzana (apple)
· N (ene): Noche (night)
· Ñ (eñe): Ñandú (rhea)
· O (O): Ojo (eye)
· P (pe): Pescar (to fish)
· Q (cu): Queso (cheese)
Quirófano (operating room)
· R (ere, erre): Rojo (red)
Renunciar (to quit a job)
Caramelo (caramel)
Carril (lane/track)
· S (ese): Sol (sun), Sacrificar (to slaughter)
· T (te): Tratamiento (treatment), Tiburón (shark)
· U (u): Uva (grape)
Usuario (user)
Guiso (stew)
· V (v corta, uve): Viento (wind), Ventana (window)
· W (doble v, uve doble): Walter, Kiwi
· X (equis): Xenofobia (xenophobia), Xilofón (xylophone)
· Y (i griega): Yerba, yogurt, adyacente (adjacent)
· Z (zeta): zorro (fox), zumbido (buzz)
So that’s the alphabet and its pronunciation. As I said, I think it is the kickstart point to learn Spanish as a beginner and once you know how the words sounds, the rest of the process might be easier.
How do you find it? Let me know!